fall means beautiful changing colors
I am finally on the trail again, and I have been very gingerly pedaling along. My cycling computer which gives me speed and distance stopped working, which was a blessing in disguise. Not seeing my single digit speed displayed on a screen allowed me to take my merry old time up the steep slopes to Steamboat Lake, and I didn't feel pressured to make x amount of miles.
I am in Colorado now, and the feeling of fall is so thick I could carve a Jack o lantern out of thin air. Leaves are changing colors and the temperature during the day is in the 50s. I had better be off the trail, or invest in warmer clothes if the temperatures drop much farther.
The roads are barren, except for the occasional sheep herd and herd of hunters. I don't feel lonely so much as aware of the changing season, and excited to see new sights everyday, as this is my first time in The High State, or whatever Colorado's motto is these days.
So far so good in the ankle department- I hope it stays that way as I wind my way up to the highest point on the trail - Indiana Pass- at over 11,000ft!
last night's rain made for muddy tracks